More about Tyninghame candles journey

More about Tyninghame candles journey


So, picture this: it all started as a little experiment. I wanted to make a special present for a friend, you know, something unique and thoughtful. Little did I know that this experiment would turn into a full-blown obsession. Who knew that making candles could be so captivating?

Now, let me be honest here. My first attempt was a bit of a disaster. I had grand visions of a beautifully smooth, perfectly coloured candle, but let's just say it didn't quite go to plan. But I actually enjoyed the process. There was something oddly satisfying about melting wax, experimenting with colour combinations and designing something new. 

So, despite the initial setback, I decided to keep experimenting. Why not? Life is all about trying new things and seeing where they take you. Plus, I had a shed, a couple of dogs, and a husband who was more than happy to bring me cups of tea while I played with hot wax. What more could a girl ask for?

Fast forward a few months, and here I am, writing my very first blog post about my taper candle journey. It's funny how life works sometimes. One minute you're a teacher, spending your days moulding young minds, and the next minute you're knee-deep in wax, creating fun and unique candles.

Now, I have to admit, I never really intended for this to become a business. It was just a hobby, something to keep me entertained on those long, enticing school summer holidays. But then, people started noticing my candles. Friends, family, even strangers on the street would comment on how eye catching they looked. And that got me thinking...

So, I took a leap of faith and decided to "push" this little hobby of mine. I dropped a day of teaching and dedicated it to my newfound passion. I now get to spend my Mondays in my shed, surrounded in colour, air pods in, with my furry companions by my side. Not only that but it is challenging me to learn about a whole new industry. I just went to uni and studied PE teaching, then straight into a job- so trust me, this is all brand new to me.

So, here I am, embarking on this new blogging adventure. I have no idea what to expect, but I promise to keep you all up-to-date on my candle-making escapades. 

Much love, 

Tyninghame candles xox


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